  • 30 December 2020
  • Kathy Duong

Last updated on February 23rd, 2021

Those of us with short, straight, or thin lashes consider eyelash extensions the best thing since sliced bread, or rather, mascara. It’s the perfect option the long minutes spent multiple times per day doing them up, and if done well, they look killer.

However, without good aftercare, they can easily fall by the wayside. This is not ideal, especially after having paid good money and spent good time to have the best eyelash extensions Sydney can offer. So, here is a guide on how to maintain your Eyelashes and keep your eyelashes looking their best for the longest time possible.

Once you have had your lash extensions, make sure to take proper care and your eyelashes can last almost indefinitely.

Here are is a summary of tips on how to maintain your eyelashes and look after them:

  • Avoid getting your eyes wet for a few hours after – around 4-6 hours will be more than enough.
  • Avoid using a sauna, spa or pool for the first 24 hours. The lash extensions need about a full day to properly bond to your existing lashes.
  • Avoid rubbing or scratching at your eyes.
  • Do not use eyelash curlers with your extensions. With the right application techniques used, you won’t need them anyway – but the heat can result in the natural glues coming undone.
  • ONLY use oil-free makeup remover.
  • Good hygiene is very important too- using proper body and face washes
  • Use only mascaras that are safe for eyelash extensions, no oil-based or waterproof mascaras and only apply to the tips of your lashes.
  • After you have a shower you should avoid rubbing lashes with a towel, it’s best to blot or dab them with a towel and let them air dry.
  • You can also try drying your lashes by using a hair dryer on the lowest setting and blowing them dry from the bottom up. It makes them curlier and fluffy.
  • Be careful when applying facial and eye creams to avoid your lashes. Use of too many oil-based products can break down the adhesive.
maintain eyelashes

Help your eyelashes last longest at their best by using the right products.

5 More Ways to Make Your Lash Extensions Last Longer, According to the Pros

To help you maintain your eyelashes and make them last longer here are 5 little known tips that will get the job done.

1. Ask for Lighter Lashes

When it comes to volume eyelash extensions, the thicker the lashes, the heavier and more likely to peel, fall out, or rub. Recommendations are to ask for 0.05mm or 0.07mm lash thickness, which won’t have this problem, and will look absolutely gorgeous.

2. Get Extensions that work with your natural lash style and shape

It’s quite simple really: straight extensions work best for straight lashed girls, and curly extensions likewise. If you go for curly extensions on straight lashes, they will fall off much faster.

3. Be careful with oils, creams and rubbing around your eyes

It’s been mentioned before, but the best way to have your beautiful extended lashes fall out is to pump them full of oils or rub them excessively. The solution is just to simply take care not to allow these oils or creams too near to your eyes, and avoid rubbing, instead try dabbing your eyes when needed.

4. Use a gentle face wash and oil-free makeup remover

For most of the same reasons as mentioned above, try avoid using any oils on your face or near your eyes. Some makeup remover wipes actually work very well here, especially as you can be more in control of where you wipe.

5.  Sleep on your back (and use satin or silk pillowcases)

If you tend to sleep with your face in the pillow, it can lead to your eyelashes rubbing or snagging during the night, and ultimately falling out sooner. It’s best to avoid this as much as possible.

Bonus Tip: Consider Getting Silk Eyelash Extensions

Silk lashes are a new trending type of lash extension. They can be made to look incredibly natural and very glamorous, and can even look as dense/thick as synthetic lashes. Due to their lighter weight, they are often a much better option for your lashes if your own ones are weak or quite thin. They are easier to maintain and naturally last longer than synthetic ones too!

About The Author

Kathy Duong

Our lady of lash is extremely professional, talented and always dressed to impress. Her work is meticulous, edgy, precise and always on trend. You will love her work, every time you open your eyes.


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